Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Motivator training at IEM 4/1/2010

From User to Producer.......
move on to make thing happen.....

Motivator training by PP christopher Liew and Rtn Iskandar Ahmad.

Sindex Trainer - Rtn Iskandar Ahmad
what is our purpose of sindex -Eg. Story of Ronaldo
what is the objective of sindex
from user to producer
move on to make thing happen.....
In relation to sindex
we have a vision to make a different.
1. Workshop sing a song about friend for introduction in the workshop.
2. Fold a paper into quarter and write four most important things to take when there is a tsunami. Eg the twin tower of both ends to rescue them . The reason of important. Inventions of telephone because of alexander wife. Sing a song (life will go on) Cylin dion.
3. The value of sindex. Closing story. Christopher columber. Eg of egg to stand. By crashing the egg.

Effective communication by PP Christopher Liew

why communication ?
What is more important. Talk,listen or see. We would make with one mouth but two ears and eyes.
What is the different between human and animal drain. We need to use our brain in our life.

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